Thursday, August 7, 2008

Your future health ... benefits

My Dad told me Medicare is no longer paying for a yearly routine physical examination. He just turned 79 in June. They don't pay for EKG's either. He needs one annually -- he had a quadruple by-pass 2 years ago.
How is this possible? What will the future hold?
Because of the number of people drawing on the system for things like by-passes and knee replacements, hip replacements, and spine surgeries, I'm pretty sure Medicare won't be there when/if I'm old enough qualify.
So the message is loud and clear: stay healthy. Exercise. Choose food wisely. Guard your GOOD health -- don't be flippant about it. You'll spend less in the long run, live longer, and be able to afford what you do need. And start a "war-chest" or a contingency plan for your latter years.
We added "Wellness" to our name: "The Center for Spine Pain & Wellness" because we see this on the horizon. Not only do we want to help you get out of pain and recover from injury quickly, want to partner with you as a Guardian of your GOOD HEALTH too!
~Dr. Joel Carmichael

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