Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's official -- the DRX 9000 gets an early thumbs up from Mayo

The findings of the first IRB-approved multicenter pilot study on the DRX 9000 for back pain was release by the study's principle author, Dr. John Leslie, of the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. The study evaluated the effectiveness and safety of the DRX 9000 for chronic lower back pain.

A greater than 50% reduction of pain was observed after 2 weeks of treatment, and on completion of the 6 week treatment an 88.9% success rate was documented.

A second study, to be presented by Dr. Christian Apfel, an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of California, San Francisco, found that the DRX 9000 produces an increase in intervertebral disc height in addition to a significant reduction in chronic low back pain.

The DRX 9000, the true non-surgical spinal decompression we use at The Center for Spine Pain & Wellness, is gaining momentum in the scientific community. It's proven effective, and for many wish to do all they can to avoid surgery, this is a treatment of choice. There are other places to go for DRX 9000 care ... and then there is THE PLACE to go for DRX 9000 care...

1 comment:

MewzMe2 said...

This machine hurt my Mom and 4 others known right now, My mom said a nurse had her on it for 55 mins 3 times a week. her nerves in her buttock area are now messed up along with her back.