Saturday, September 6, 2008

Don't let your feet leave home without 'em...

Orthotics, or "custom foot orthoses" are footbeds placed in the shoes to correct biomechanical imbalances that lead to chronic back pain, knee pain, and foot or ankle pain. If your recurrent or chronic back pain occurs mostly with standing and walking, it may be a sign that orthotics can help.
Orthotics correct excessive "pronation" -- the joints in the midfoot are too lax, allowing the foot to rotate inward. As a result, the knee rotates inward, the pelvic rocks forward and there's too much arch in the back ... and it works upwards from there.
CSP & W have designed orthotics for all kinds of people from all walks of life. Here's what one of our patients, an Olympic Athlete who competed in Beijing, recently had to say:

“I had knee pain for six years... After using my orthotics for two days, my knee pain was completely gone.”
Natalie Woolfolk, 3-time National Champion in Weightlifting (2005, 2006, 2007)
Through October 10th, we're offering our patients a *Complimentary orthotics screening as a way to get the fall season "off on the right foot."
Dr. C

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