Many of our patients will be traveling this holiday season -- may you all return home safely! In the meantime, we've got our holiday clinic schedules put together. Good news! Looks like we'll have full chiropractic coverage through January 2, including emergency care for those unfortunate spines, and their owners, who may need it.
Now is the time take care of any residual symptoms, aches and pains. Deductibles are met, and a new cycle starts January 1, 2009. If you need a holiday tune, give us a jingle (bells). (Couldn't resist...) :0) Call us at (303) 675-3009!
Our immune systems get pummeled about now through March. If you're a patient of ours, be sure to check your email for our HealthCoach Newsletter and Holiday Flyer for significant savings on therapy to support and strengthen your immune system -- our Winter Wellness Package. (If you aren't a patient yet, go to our home page at www.center4spine.com, then follow the link on the right to "CSP Patient Info Central." There's a downloadable newsletter waiting there for you!)
It's a bit disconcerting to know that when we sneeze, viruses travel up to 100 mph and can be effectively deposited 12 feet away. Then the little buggers live for 2 days! So, DO cover your sneeze, but don't sneeze into your hands (unless neck pain prevents you from covering a sneeze or cough any other way.) Sneeze into the inside of your bent elbow, or better yet, a Kleenex (or a Puffs, to be commercially neutral.) And if your upper respiratory infection or flu is hanging on, remember that an antiobiotic will do NOTHING for your viral infection. You need an immune boost. You need our Winter Wellness Package!
Merry Christmas, Chag Sameach, and Happy Holidays to all!
Dr. C