February through May have been filled with tremendous amounts of activity at The Center for Spine Pain & Wellness. (Note the name change -- it's important!)
Through the continuing use of Electrointerstitial Body Fluid scanning (EIS) we are starting to see radical changes produced by nutrition, dietary and exercise counseling, and the regular chiropractic, massage and acupuncture care we provide to our patients. We base our approach on a reliable and accurate measure of the pH (or hydrogen ion concentration) of almost every internal organ, including the brain, thyroid, inner ear, liver, heart, lungs, coronary arteries, carotids, bladder, prostate -- you name it. And with this information we are armed and ready to change your life, your health and your future. WE ARE ABLE TO DIRECTLY MEASURE WHETHER THE VITAMINS AND SUPPLEMENTS YOU ARE TAKING ARE MAKING ANY DIFFERENCE IN YOUR BODY. We are able to measure the changes in your body to other therapies you're using also. This is powerful stuff!
Secondly, it's been a pleasure to begin working with our new Doctor of Naturopathy, Jason Barker, ND. He practices medicine (naturally and without pharmaceuticals) in a way that is PREVENTIVE. And that's a big idea that has thrived in chiropractic medicine for a long time. If you can stay well using an expanded knowledge of how to use food as medicine (that is, shopping with a whole new perspective at the grocery story and eating with a whole new understanding of what food can do) you can SPEND FAR LESS in the long run on drugs and surgery.
Ask your parents or grandparents what they spend per month on the 5 or 10 medications they take. Then ask them if they think Medicare will be there for the next generation. Answer: "No." Who'll be able to afford a knee replacement, 3 cardiac stints, a by-pass and a new hip too? It'll be hard-earned cash out-of-pocket someday... and it'll make us or break us.
That's why NOW is the perfect time to shop smart, eat smart, lose weight, get healthy, start exercising and de-stress. Massage and acupuncture will help a bunch. We've just added Julie Johnson, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M. to our Highlands Ranch office. She's a highly skilled acupuncturist who can get the stress out, help with hormones, allergies, and of course, pain of all types!
Naturopathy? Come in and meet the man -- Dr. Barker will give you a free brief consultation and explain the powerful things he can do for you and your family.
Also for stress -- the MRS 2000. Our secret weapon for insomnia, chronic pain, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue!
Who do you know with calcifications in their breast or prostate? I came across powerful new therapies to get rid of the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostatis. Working with your medical physician we can help you feel better. Benign lumps in the breast are walled off areas of inflammation. Our treatment rids the body of that inflammation safely and inexpensively. More to come on this in our website. In the meantime -- call for an appointment and I'll consult with you about sodium dicalcium EDTA chelation therapy.
Food is medicine -- or poison -- depending on your knowledge and practices. The time to start new habits is NOW. My wife did and her EIS scan is beautiful to behold. I did and lost the little floppy fat handles and 13 pounds. I now weight what I weighed in high school. Played tennis today for 2.5 hours (Happy Mother's Day!) and I FEEL GREAT!
Make the change and your heart will thank you, your joints will thank you, your muscles and mind will thank you, and your family members and loved ones will thank you!! (I want to dance at my grandchildren's wedding(s) someday!
Lots of news. Lots of new therapies. A few new providers. A whole host of HELP to those seeking the best possible health as well as rapid pain relief!
For your health,
Dr. Joel Carmichael, DC, DACBSP
The Center for Spine Pain & Wellness
Sunday, May 11, 2008
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